Scientific Program
(alphabetical list of speakers)
Click on the symbols to view the slides or video of each talk. (more
09:00 - 09:10 |
Welcome |
Brief Report from the B Factories |
Chair: Richard Taylor |
09:10 |
Klaus Honscheid (Ohio State University) |
09:30 |
KEK-B/Belle |
Fumihiko Takasaki (KEK/IPNS) |
09:50 |
Jonathan Dorfan (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) |
10:10 |
Hera B |
Michael Medinnis (DESY-Zeuthen) |
10:30 |
Tevatron |
Manfred Paulini (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
10:50 - 11:20 |
Coffee Break |
Heavy Quark Physics |
Chair: Karl Berkelman |
11:20 |
Heavy Quark Decays |
Ronald Poling (University of Minnesota) |
12:05 |
Heavy Quark Lifetimes, Mixing, and CP Violation |
Guy Blaylock (University of Massachusetts) |
12:50 - 14:50 |
Lunch Break |
Direct CP Violation |
Chair: Fred Gilman |
14:50 |
e'/e Results from KTeV |
Edward Blucher (University of Chicago) |
15:20 |
e'/e Results from Na-48 |
Giles Barr (CERN) |
15:50 |
Daone/Kloe Status Report |
Sergio Bertolucci (INFN) |
16:10 - 16:30 |
Coffee Break |
Physics of Flavor |
Chair: Martin Perl |
16:30 |
Rare K Decays |
William Molzon (University of California, Irvine) |
17:00 |
Tau Physics |
Antonio Pich (University of Valencia) |
17:30 |
B Decays, the Unitarity Triangle, and the Universe |
Adam Falk (Johns Hopkins University) |
18:30 - 20:00 |
Rodin Garden Reception/Museum Tour |
Tuesday, August 10
Neutrinos I |
Chair: Sakue Yamada |
08:45 |
Solar Neutrinos |
Yoichiro Suzuki (University of Tokyo) |
09:30 |
Atmospheric Neutrinos |
Tony Mann (Tufts University) |
10:15 - 10:45 |
Coffee Break |
Neutrinos II |
Chair: Luciano Maiani |
10:45 |
Accelerator and Reactor Neutrino Experiments |
Luigi DiLella (CERN) |
11:30 |
Neutrino Mass and Oscillations |
Hamish Robertson (University of Washington) |
12:15 - 14:15 |
Lunch Break |
Precision Electroweak I |
Chair: Erwin Gabathuler |
14:15 |
Precision EW at the Z |
Morris Swartz (Johns Hopkins University) |
14:45 |
Precision EW at Hadron Machines |
Mark Lancaster (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
15:15 |
Precision EW at LEPII |
David Charlton (University of Birmingham) |
15:45 - 16:15 |
Coffee Break |
Precision Electroweak II |
Chair: He Sheng Chen |
16:15 |
R in Low Energy e+e- |
Zheng-guo Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) |
16:45 |
New Results on g-2 |
Lee Roberts (Boston University) |
17:15 |
10 Years of Precision Electroweak Physics |
Alberto Sirlin (New York University) |
18:00 - 19:00 |
Refreshments |
19:00 - 21:00 |
Concert at Memorial Church - Chanticleer |
Wednesday, August 11
Excursion Day |
08:30 - 22:00 |
Excursion Day |
Thursday, August 12
Matter and Energy in the Universe |
Chair: John Peoples |
08:45 |
Dark Matter Searches |
Bernard Sadoulet (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
09:30 |
Status of Cosmological Parameters |
Saul Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
10:15 - 10:45 |
Coffee Break |
Searches for New Phenomena |
Chair: Sau Lan Wu |
10:45 |
New Particle Searches |
Vanina Ruhlmann-Kleider (CEA/Saclay) |
11:30 |
Beyond-Standard-Model Models and Theories |
Gian Giudice (CERN) |
12:15 - 14:15 |
Lunch |
Structure within Particles I |
Chair: Albrecht Wagner |
14:15 |
Hirotaka Sugawara (KEK) |
14:25 |
B. Barish (California Institute of Technology) |
14:35 |
Structure Functions and Deep Inelastic Scattering |
Max Klein (DESY-Zeuthan) |
15:20 |
Diffraction and the Pomeron |
Halina Abramowicz (Tel Aviv University) |
16:05 - 16:35 |
Coffee Break |
Structure within Particles II |
Chair: Mikhail Danilov |
16:35 |
Spin Structure of the Nucleon |
Gerhard Mallot (CERN, EP Division) |
17:05 |
Structure of the Photon |
Jonathon Butterworth (University College London) |
17:35 |
Rare Phi Decays and Exotic Hadrons |
S. Serednyakov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) |
Public Lecture |
20:00 |
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for
the Ultimate Theory |
Brian Greene (Columbia University) |
Friday, August 13
QCD Phenomena |
Chair: Michel Davier |
08:45 |
Fragmentation and Hadronization |
Bryan Webber (University of Cambridge) |
09:30 |
Tests of Perturbative QCD and Jet Physics |
John Womersley (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) |
10:15 - 10:45 |
Coffee Break |
QCD Theory |
Chair: Ahmed Ali |
10:45 |
Applications of QCD |
Martin Beneke (CERN) |
11:30 |
Lattice Calculations and Hadron Physics |
Sinya Aoki (University of Tsukuba) |
12:15 - 14:15 |
Lunch |
Poster Session and Tours at SLAC |
14:15 - 18:00 |
Poster Session and Tours at SLAC |
18:00 - 19:00 |
Reception |
19:00 - 22:00 |
BBQ Dinner |
Saturday, August 14
Cosmology and Astrophysics |
Chair: Elliott Bloom |
08:45 |
High Energy Particles from the Universe |
Rene Ong (University of Chicago) |
09:30 |
Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies |
Scott Dodelson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) |
10:15 - 10:45 |
Coffee Break |
Future Accelerators |
Chair: Hirotaka Sugawara |
10:45 |
Physics Needs for Future Accelerators |
Joseph Lykken (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) |
11:30 |
R&D Progress for Future Linear Colliders |
Gustav-Adolf Voss (DESY) |
12:15 - 14:15 |
Lunch |
Looking to the Future |
Chair: John Jaros |
14:15 |
Toward Very High Energy Colliders |
Jonathon Wurtele (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
15:00 |
Gravity, Particle Physics and their Unification |
Juan Maldacena (Harvard University) |
15:45 |
Assessment and Outlook |
Burton Richter (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) |